Our Global Charity Partners

Our global charity partners were selected following a staff vote. We'll be partnering with each charity for the next 3 years and supporting each with a corporate donation and engagement activities.

Cool Earth works with rainforest communities to halt deforestation and its impact on climate change.

ShelterBox provides emergency shelter and other essential items to families who have lost their homes to disasters.

Supporting Cool Earth and ShelterBox enables us to focus on both the immediate impact on individuals and communities, while supporting initiatives to combat climate change in the long term. Learn more about our global charity partnerships here.

Our CSR Strategy

Our strategic CSR framework is divided into four themes, helping us focus our activities on community-based issues where we can make a difference:

  • Improve education and employment outcomes
  • Provide food and shelter for those in need
  • Advance health and wellbeing
  • Further climate resilience

These projects are built to deliver tangible long-term benefits.

CSR final

Global partnerships

Serve with Liberty

Serve with Liberty’ is our annual Liberty Mutual initiative, encouraging all staff globally to take part in volunteering projects and get involved in a range of practical tasks and skills-based opportunities.

Serve with Liberty
Our employees dedicate time to local projects through our Serve with Liberty initiative.

Global community

Global initiatives